We are aware that there are currently some significant challenges across parts of the UK and Europe due to issues with flooding affecting domestic and residential homes. If there is a risk that your mains water is contaminated or not fit for drinking or your independent water supply is potentially affected; then a Coldstream Stainless steel counter top water purification system could enable you to access clean drinking water removing contaminants and ensuring the water is safe to drink*.
The Coldstream water purification system comes with its first filter included which for the average family will last for around 6 months, (dependent on volume and quality of water used). The system is installed directly to your kitchen tap, meaning that it can be unpacked and set-up for use in around 15 minutes. It is often advised during flooding, if there is a risk to the mains water supply to boil water with a formal “boil water alert” being announced. Note that boiling water should remove bacteria, however it will not remove chemicals or chemical contaminants from drinking water.
For details of the contaminants that our most popular and leading MAX filter has been tested to remove*, you can review our independent and NSF certified test results here: 40070-KLT-Coldstream-Filter-Performance-Data-Sheets_Max_CF504W_23.02.23.pdf (coldstreamfilters.com)
Details of the recommended Coldstream Stainless Steel Countertop system can be found at here: stainless steel countertop ceramic water filtration system (coldstreamfilters.com)
For further details and support: What to do before or during a flood – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)