“AQUAPRENEURS” working to ensure your drinking water is clean and safe.

Water holds profound environmental significance, and both its availability and quality are essential to sustain human life and biodiversity. Although water is essential for a flourishing environment, it is also a significant source of pollution within it.

Industrial runoff, agricultural practices, and plastic waste are common sources of water contamination, posing serious risks to both human health and the environment. Emerging contaminants from pharmaceuticals, pesticides, nanomaterials, microplastics, and the so-called “forever chemicals”, are further intensifying these risks. Based on a World Bank report, industries discharge around 300-400 million tons of heavy metals, solvents, toxic sludge, and other wastes into water bodies every year. “Forever chemicals,” also known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contaminate drinking water supplies, for example affecting up to 200 million Americans in the USA today.

At Coldstream we are “Acquapreneurs”. What do we mean by this? We are a science and technology led product organisation designing and manufacturing high performance ceramic water filters and systems here in the UK under the “Coldstream” brand. Our purpose is to empower people and you and your family to permanently remove contamination from the world’s water supply, with affordable drinking water filter systems which are harmless to the environment.

Over the past few years our business has experienced an exceptional increase in demand due to heightened awareness of the risks of PFAS and microplastics in drinking water. All our filters have a comprehensive data sheet that confirms what they remove and for how long; you can review these at the following link: Performance datasheets – Coldstream UK (coldstreamfilters.com)

We’re available to answer your questions and choose the best point of use water filtration system for your needs; you can contact us here; Contact – Coldstream UK (coldstreamfilters.com)

Thank you for visiting and have a great day.